Voucher Details
2-Night Winter Getaway in 2 Bedroom 2 Bathroom Villa (Valid for Redemption May to August)
Selecting the perfect destination is a matter of personal preference, and when coupled with an immediate discount at the hotel’s bar or restaurant, ...view more
General Terms & Conditions
- Voucher valid for three (3) years from the date of purchase.
- Voucher must be used prior to expiry date; amount automatically expires & is not retrievable.
- Bookings are subject to availability – blackout dates may apply.
- The voucher amount is not transferable & cannot be redeemed for cash. No credit/change can be given on unused amounts.
- Vouchers that have been altered in any way will not be accepted.
- Bookings must be made directly with Pullman Bunker Bay’s reservations team – quote voucher number when booking & present on arrival.
2-Night Winter Getaway in 2 Bedroom 2 Bathroom Villa (Valid for Redemption May to August)
Selecting the perfect destination is a matter of personal preference, and when coupled with an immediate discount at the hotel’s bar or restaurant, ...view more
986 in stock
General Terms & Conditions
- Voucher valid for three (3) years from the date of purchase.
- Voucher must be used prior to expiry date; amount automatically expires & is not retrievable.
- Bookings are subject to availability – blackout dates may apply.
- The voucher amount is not transferable & cannot be redeemed for cash. No credit/change can be given on unused amounts.
- Vouchers that have been altered in any way will not be accepted.
- Bookings must be made directly with Pullman Bunker Bay’s reservations team – quote voucher number when booking & present on arrival.